The Busy Couple’s Solution to Simple & Non-Boring Date Nights …

So You Can Go From Feeling Like Disconnected Roommates to Connected, Romantic Partners Again

… Even if You’re Busy AF

A black woman wearing a light pink shirt and a person who appears to be a white male wearing a beige sweater are creating connection in their relationship on a date night.

is this you?

If you're like so many couples I've talked to (and me in the past), you wish you could just feel connected in your relationship again.

The problem though?

the problem

You have no idea how to create that connection.

Everything else in your life takes priority over your relationship.

And you’re too busy to have date nights (or they’re the same-old boring thing time after time).

A disconnected couple on a date night. A black man wearing a navy blue shirt with his hand over his face sits far away from a black woman wearing a gray V-neck T-shirt with her arms crossed and looking away from the man toward the camera.

Any of these sound familiar?

"Intimacy and communication just aren't there. I'm tapped out and exhausted. Connection is missing and sex feels like one more thing I have to do."

“My partner and I are NEVER on the same page.”

"The biggest thing I want is connection but time is a struggle."

"I want more touching but not sexual touching (and not grabbing my boobs from behind while I’m washing the dishes). I want connectedness."

“It's hard to enjoy myself when I'm either spinning in my head over all the things I have to do or beating myself up in my head and not being present.”

Maybe you think:

You should just stay silent because you’re scared of having the same damn fight again if you say anything.

If you just keep going (a.k.a. doing nothing), things will magically change on their own (but they don’t …).

You’re too busy to make a change, so it’s easier to just veg out in front of the TV for “date night” (if that even happens).

You’ve tried some things to make it better (like sex toys, random date nights or conversations that just ended in arguments) but they haven’t worked … so you figure you may as well get used to things the way they are.

You're stuck and it feels like there’s no way out.

A white couple is disconnected on date night and sitting on a brown leather couch. The white man wearing a light sage green shirt is looking down at his phone while the white woman in a gray sweatshirt and light blue jeans sits turned away from him with her head leaning on her hand.

but the truth is ...

It’s not your fault that you’re feeling this way or that things haven’t worked yet.

A middle-aged white woman with grey hair wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt with white polka dots and a middle-aged white man with grey hair wearing a grey, long-sleeved shirt, sitting next to each other and facing the camera while leaning against the back of a couch.


Most “solutions” are just random tactics that don’t solve anything in a way that creates sustainable change (because random tactics are like putting a Band-Aid over the problem instead of actually dealing with what’s underneath) ... and that leads to the next two points.

Two disabled Black people (a femme wearing compression gloves and a non-binary person in a power wheelchair that's partially in view) sit across from each other to create emotional connection. Photo from Disabled And Here:


What does work is discovering who you uniquely are as individuals and as a couple, intentionally creating intimacy, and communicating in a healthy way … but we’ve never been taught to honor our uniqueness or how to have open, honest conversations about our relationship.

A black woman with long hair wearing a black shirt and a black man with short hair and a short beard wearing a gray shirt are journaling together to work on their relationship.


What also works is discovering and shifting all the things that get in the way of discovering and expressing who you are, creating intimacy, and effectively communicating ... things like societal conditioning and past experiences ... and doing it in a way that actually creates change. 

Because there’s an interconnected system involved, not just isolated issues.

“I came away with the impression that sexual healing had little to do with tricks or techniques, and almost everything to do with the mind, with sensing an internal flicker of I want that - and feeling empowered to act accordingly.”

~ Katherine Rowland


Unlike all that other stuff out there ...

What I do works because it’s all about the connections among things (see what I did there??), the foundations that make a difference and shifting what gets in the way of those foundations.

So that you can have the relationship and connection you want.

Yes, it is possible.

And you can get started now.

imagine ...

Imagine what it would be like to ...

Have a simple system to choose, plan and schedule non-boring date nights (so you can stop doing the same-old, same-old, hoping that things will magically change) …

Create a deeper connection in your relationship (so you can actually feel like romantic partners, not disconnected roommates) …

Increase intimacy in all ways, including in the bedroom, so you can look forward to sex (and not go through the motions like you’re obligated … which just makes you feel shittier) …

Have fun and meaningful conversations about your relationship (and about more than just who’s picking up milk on the way home) …

And do it all in a way that works for your busy life so you can keep it going …


A black woman wearing a taupe sweater is talking to a black man wearing a black shirt. The man is looking at her intently, listening.
A middle-aged white woman with brown hair wearing a gray shirt and a middle-aged white man with grey and black hair wearing a white tank top are laying next to each other in bed and the man is kissing the woman’s neck.

I get it ...

I was there before, too.

I know personally what it’s like to want a connected relationship but have no idea how to change the disconnection.

I know what it feels like to be caught in the shit-loop, feeling like it’ll never end.

But my partner and I intentionally changed it all and now have a connected relationship.

Hi! I'm Leanne Chesser, intimacy coach and creator of Connection for Couples and the 5C System.

I know the power of healthy communication, emotional connection and authenticity as well as the foundational mindset work underneath it all.

And I'm on a mission to help couples create intimate connection and communication in their relationship (through practical and foundational solutions that actually work) so they can go from feeling like disconnected roommates to romantic partners, too.  

Why am I so passionate about this?

Because all of this took me years to develop and shift, plus a few coaching certifications (life, mindset, emotional intelligence, sex and now  relationship) in addition to my previous psychology and education degrees!

I created the 5C system that I now support you with so you can create intimacy, satisfaction in the bedroom, healthy communication and shift the underlying stuff much more quickly than I did (minus the certs!).

Head shot of Leanne Chesser standing in front of a wooden fence with trees and snow in the background and wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt with blue geometric shapes and white and gray marble earrings and necklace.

And That's Exactly Why I Created The Connection Collection ...

To Help You Start To Do Just That!


Get the above benefits and results without.....

Wasted time, wasted money, frustration, etc. Expand on how it has none of the usual side effects of what they've been frustrated with before.

go deeper

Go deeper into the benefits. How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et.

Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.


The Connection Collection for Couples!

A tool all about date nights that gives you a collection of non-boring date night ideas and a process for choosing, planning and scheduling those date nights so you can create connection and boost intimacy in your relationship and go from feeling like disconnected roommates to romantic partners again … even if you’re busy AF.





A non-binary couple standing outside facing each other, one wearing a blue jean jacket and the other partner wearing a dark gray shirt.


choose date nights...

Choose, plan and schedule non-boring date nights using a simple process (so you don’t feel like you have no clue about how to create a deeper connection).

Boost Intimacy...

Build in ideas to boost emotional, non-sexual physical, self, and sexual intimacy (did you know that connection with yourself is a foundation for relationship connection?). 

Create Connection...

Create a deeper connection and revitalize your relationship to go from feeling like roommates to romantic partners again.

Have Conversations...

Start and have meaningful conversations about your relationship (and stop just having the logistical roommate convos about who ate the last of the cereal without saying anything).

Communicate Your Desires...

And communicate your desires without the awkwardness that has kept you silent up until now. 


Finally, you'll know how to create that connection you really want in your relationship and start feeling like romantic partners again.

and more...

So, what's actually inside The Connection Collection?



In this unique format (Trello board), you’ll find a simple process for creating connection in your relationship that’s easy to use and implement (even if you’re busy) so that you keep doing it over time. There are lots of ideas (that you can also add to) and you can move the ideas around to choose and prioritize them.



Community matters and I’ve created a private forum for you to get further support with accountability and implementation, ask questions and receive answers from me, connect with other couples on a similar journey and share and collaborate with other couples so you can all gain even more date night ideas.


The Connection Collection Walkthrough Video

I include a screenshare video that shows you exactly how to use the tool so that it’s clear (even if you have no idea what a Trello board is right now).



You’ll get a short series of emails to help you put things into practice so that you’re not left on your own. You can reply to these any time to ask questions as well.



Not knowing how to communicate about your relationship is another common struggle. You’ll get conversation starters so you have a clue how to start and have a conversation and manage disagreements (even if you feel awkward).


BONUS: 60-Minute Monthly Meeting Outline

The monthly couple’s connection meeting is a key piece in my 3C system and a key element of a healthy relationship. You’ll get an example outline of how to hold these meetings and topics to include as a bonus resource along with this tool.


Date Night Debrief Template

As you put the date nights and connection ideas into practice, it’s important to check in about how they're going for you. You’ll get a debrief template to review what worked and what didn’t.


Calendar Example

I've included a video walkthrough of a simple connection calendar example to show you how easy the system can be, how doable it is and how little time it actually takes to prioritize your relationship.


3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights SYSTEM

I’ve included my free offer for those of you who haven’t signed up for that yet. In it, I share my foundational 3C system that this tool enhances.


3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights Checklist

I created a simple checklist based on the free offer to help keep you on track with the 3Cs and it’s included here to support you with implementation as well.


BONUS: 150 Connection Questions

One activity inside the tool is to ask each other questions to create connection. You might ask, “What the hell do I even ask?” Well, I’ve got you covered with a PDF of 150 questions you can dive into together as well as how you can use this activity during a date night.


BONUS: Pre & Post assessments

I created a pre-assessment and a post-assessment to accomplish two things. First, they allow you to see your growth from using the tool. Second, they allow me to support you and improve the tool and resources based on what has worked to create success for you and your partner.

Plus transcripts as part of the calendar and walkthrough videos.

Over half (52%) of couples said they never or rarely have date nights. But it’s known that “couples who devote time specifically to dating one another at least once or twice a month are markedly more likely to report happier and more stable relationships, compared to couples who do not go on dates as often.”

~ The National Marriage Project


Imagine what would happen if ...

You had at least one month of non-boring date nights chosen, planned and scheduled with a system to repeat this for every single month of the year ...

It's time to create the connection you really want.



This is an introductory offer and the price won't last forever ...

So get in now! 

Besides, the sooner you get in, the sooner you can dive into creating the connected relationship you really want.


Make your payment today, take a full seven days to explore the materials, activities and resources, and if you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, let me know and I’ll offer you a full refund.

The Connection Collection


The Connection Collection Trello Tool . . . . . (Value $147)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights. . . . . (Value $17)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights Checklist . . . . . (Value $17)

Connection Calendar Example . . . . . (Value $7)

Connection Conversation Starters . . . . . (Value $27)

Date Night Debrief Template . . . . . . (Value $27)

The Connection Community . . . . . (Value $47)

Email Support . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Monthly Meeting Outline . . . . . (Value $47)

BONUS: 150 Questions . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Pre & Post Assessments . . . . . (Value $17)

TOTAL VALUE = ($397)

Today's Price = $47

they said

What others have said in the past about working with me and about my communities ...

You have this way of just making me feel not judged ... making me feel safe.

"I don't talk about my sex life with anyone except for you and my husband. But you have this way of just making me feel not judged ... making me feel safe and like it's okay. And when I do the hamster wheel thing and go back to my old story, you remind me and put me back on track. The time we spent together was truly incredibly healing for me and soooo needed. Up until then, I had so many unresolved feelings and limiting beliefs. I will FOREVER hold you in my heart as someone who has truly changed my life. That is saying so much because I searched high and low for someone that could walk me through those difficult feelings. So thank you!'“


I love how open you were to me expressing myself in my own unique way ...

“I loved being able to express myself openly. I love how open you were to me expressing myself in my own unique way. I also loved how comfortable I felt with you and that sense of trust that we had. You were not just simply providing information, but you were catering it to my needs and going back to help me succeed at times. I appreciate that so much.”


You offer a safe-haven and encouragement for people to find their true selves ...

"I find the questions thought provoking, the support wonderful, and the encouragement exceptional. I especially like that the encouragement does not come with a timeframe or any guilt. You offer a safe-haven and encouragement for people to find their true selves and not be afraid to show it. You help us bust thru the fear of showing our true selves to the world...and hopefully, eventually feeling comfortable and confident enough to show our true selves to our family, friends, and clients.”



This is the introductory price. It will not last forever and will go up, so get in now!

The Connection Collection


The Connection Collection Trello Tool . . . . . (Value $147)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights . . . . . (Value $17)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights Checklist . . . . . (Value $17)

Connection Calendar Example . . . . . (Value $7)

Connection Conversation Starters . . . . . (Value $27)

Date Night Debrief Template . . . . . . (Value $27)

The Connection Community . . . . . (Value $47)

Email Support . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Monthly Meeting Outline . . . . . (Value $47)

BONUS: 150 Questions . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Pre & Post Assessments . . . . . (Value $17)

TOTAL VALUE = ($397)

Today's Price = $47

One way to increase closeness in established relationships is to have exciting date nights that include expanding the mind and growing the self. People who are motivated to pursue intimacy and growth in relationships (vs. to avoid negative outcomes) have more exciting date nights because they come up with and plan exciting dates (from their perspective). Planning might seem like the opposite of excitement, but might actually increase it.

~ From a study by Cheryl Harasymchuk, Amy Muise, and others

you asked

Got questions? Here are my answers to some that are often asked ...

What if I want a refund?

I’ve put a lot into creating this tool for you and it’s extremely reasonably priced. However, within the first seven days after purchase, you can request a refund if you find that you aren’t satisfied.

How much time is involved? I'm really busy.

The truth is that there’s time involved in prioritizing your relationship, intentionally creating intimacy and making a change (which is usually a process). However, I’ve also created this system with busy couples in mind, so it’s designed to be easy to incorporate into your life.

How do I know if this is right for me?

Have you resonated with what you've read? Do you find yourself thinking something like, "That's me. How are you in my head?!?" Are you ready to make a change (even if you're scared)? Are you willing to do the work? If you've answered yes to these questions, then it's right for you. I'm excited for what you’re about to create!

Can I work with you in other ways?

Absolutely! I also offer one-on-one coaching and I'm creating other tools and courses that will be available soon. I look forward to working together! 

I'm not in a relationship. Is this still right for me?

It’s designed for use by couples, especially couples in long term relationships (although relationship length doesn’t really matter). However, if you’re single but dating and you want to set a solid foundation, you’re certainly free to purchase it.

What support can I get if I'm stuck?

I believe strongly in support and the fact that it’s not about solving things with three quick tips. So, even though it’s a very low-priced tool, I do offer additional support in two ways. First, you’ll get access to a private community forum where you can ask questions, get answers from me, connect with others and even collaborate with them to add to the date night ideas by sharing. Second, you’ll receive several emails to support you with accountability and implementation and you can reply to those emails with questions. You’ll get the emails even if you choose not to be part of the private community. And, of course, you can contact me by email at [email protected] any time.

Is everything available immediately?

Yes! When you purchase, you’ll click the button to get the tool and fill in your information. Then you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access the tool and everything that’s included and you can get started right away.

How long can I access it?

Basically, you can keep it forever because you’ll be making a copy that you’ll have for as long as you want.

Can I share it with a friend?

You can share it with your partner but for anyone else, please share the link to the sales page and they can purchase their own tool.

Do I need a special program to access the materials?

Yes. I created the tool as a Trello board. You can access Trello for free, make a copy of the tool and start using it. I include a walkthrough video to show you how so that it's clear and simple even if you have no idea what a Trello board is right now.

“At the core, sexuality is about uncovering who I really am underneath all of the cultural conditioning.”

~ Jaiya

The Connection Collection


The Connection Collection Trello Tool . . . . . (Value $147)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights . . . . . (Value $17)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights Checklist . . . . . (Value $17)

Connection Calendar Example . . . . . (Value $7)

Connection Conversation Starters . . . . . (Value $27)

Date Night Debrief Template . . . . . . (Value $27)

The Connection Community . . . . . (Value $47)

Email Support . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Monthly Meeting Outline . . . . . (Value $47)

BONUS: 150 Questions . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Pre & Post Assessments . . . . . (Value $17)

TOTAL VALUE = ($397)

Today's Price = $47


You’re worth having the relationship you desire. 

By creating the connection you want, you start a ripple effect that impacts others in your life and reverberates out even further. 

And life’s too short to stay stuck with a disconnected roommate relationship and date nights that involve vegging in front of the TV. 

Let's do this. 


P.S. If you have any questions that weren't answered on this page, feel free to email me at leanne [at] connectionforcouples [dot] com. 

The Connection Collection


The Connection Collection Trello Tool . . . . . (Value $147)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights . . . . . (Value $17)

3 Keys to Non-Boring Date Nights Checklist . . . . . (Value $17)

Connection Calendar Example . . . . . (Value $7)

Connection Conversation Starters . . . . . (Value $27)

Date Night Debrief Template . . . . . . (Value $27)

The Connection Community . . . . . (Value $47)

Email Support . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Monthly Meeting Outline . . . . . (Value $47)

BONUS: 150 Questions . . . . . (Value $27)

BONUS: Pre & Post Assessments . . . . . (Value $17)

TOTAL VALUE = ($397)

Today's Price = $47